The Lord has given me not one, but two part time jobs. That equals one full time job but with more variety. Today was my first day of Job #1. I'm working in a vault. Yes. A vault. It's a company that owns all the washers and dryers in Oregon and southern Washington (ie laundromats, apartment complexes, etc). My job is to count the quarters. Well, I pour the quarters into a machine to get counted then I do some paperwork and stuff. You wanna know how many quarters I processed on my first day? About $25,000's worth. In quarters. That's 100,000 quarters.
"What did you learn?" you ask. I learned that (collectively) quarters are extremely heavy. I learned there is an American Samoa quarter. And I learned that working at Gringotts WOULD be ridiculously awesome. But I'm glad I'm not a goblin.
During the 12 o'clock lunch hour I got my lunch out of the fridge. There were about 6 other people in the lunch room. Some of them had Subway. Some of them had spaghetti and meatballs. Some of them had canned chili. And there I was: the new girl with her sack lunch. PBJ sandwich, carrots, apple and zucchini bread. I felt like a kid on their first day of first grade. Maybe second grade. I don't know if those people had ever even heard of a paper bag.
I listened to my favorite Pandora station while working and that made all the difference. (Sigh.) Good music just makes everything wonderful. So to sum it all up, I had a great first day in spite of feeling a little out of place when it came to lunch.
I think the moral to working at this place is going to be that every little bit counts. A quarter doesn't seem like that much. But get a bunch and you might just have thousands of dollars. On a spiritual note, it's important to do the little things everyday like pray and read scriptures because those little daily things equal unmeasurable amount of spiritual strength.
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