Saturday, November 20, 2010


Sometimes it's easy to read the scriptures as a history book. But it's so vital to remember that these things actually happened to someone! Abraham had no idea that an angel was going to stop him from sacrificing Isaac. Just imagine how he must have felt the moment before the angel appeared! Or imagine the despair of Jairus when he heard his daughter was dead; he had no idea that Jesus was going to raise her from the dead! I gain a deeper appreciation for Daniel's courage when I think about the fact that he was prepared to die in the lion's den. He did not know the Lord was going to protect him!

This vain of thought was inspired by the following video. This little girl speaks with such conviction and it really draws you in to the story of Jonah. Plus she's just so cute and her little kid lisp makes me smile. Enjoy!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Sentences to make you think

(Forget that double negatives are grammatically incorrect in English.)

1. Little girls that don't like candy may also never fail in not liking brownies.
2. Walking in the crosswalk doesn't guarantee not being hit by a car.
3. Not wanting to go to a party, doesn't mean you don't like the host.